Write an article on Protecting Environment to create awareness among the people

You are the member of the Environment Club of your school. After visiting many places you have realised that it is the need of the hour to protect environment. Write an article on this topic to create awareness among the people. (Word limit: 150-200 words)

                 Protecting Environment

Degradation of the environment continues unabated. The need of the hour is to protect and preserve the environment and the ecological balance. This menace can be fought against only by creating awareness among the people. Rapid deforestation has been the main cause of environmental degradation.

The price of progress has been rather heavy. Many forest belts have been cleared away to set up industrial units. Rapid urbanization swallowed the remaining green belts. Deforestation on a large scale led to disastrous results. Famines, floods, and land erosions have destroyed the ecological balance. The need of the hour is to plant more and more trees. Trees bring rain and keep the upper soil intact. Our rivers and lakes have become dumping grounds for industrial wastes, garbage and dirt. Their water has not remained fit for human consumption.

Our cities are becoming dirtier every year. Delhi, the capital of India, has earned notoriety for being the fourth most polluted city in the world. The emission of smoke from factories have converted our cities into big gas chambers. Only a concerted effort by all can help in maintaining the ecological balance. Only then this vast country will become a pleasant and clean place to live in.


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