Write an article in 150-200 words on Gender discrimination in society

    Gender Discrimination in Society

From times immemorial, it has been a male-dominated society. Due to biological,physical and cultural reasons, women always remained dominated, directed and dictated by men. The birth of a boy has always been a special and auspicious occasion for the family. The boy-child has always been considered the torch-bearer of the lineal and traditional heritage. The girl-child has always been considered a responsibility and a burden on the family. In most of the states of India, particularly in the north, there has been a great imbalance in the male-female ratio. This has been the result of giving a special treatment to boys in the family. In our scriptures, we get occasional references to ladies like Gargi and Maitri who were great scholars. Such women were nothing more than exceptions. The mindset of the society was different. Women lost their prominence, their right in the property and in decision-making. They were dictated and directed by the whims of their husbands and the male members of the family. This mindset led to the virtual enslavement of women. It gave birth to social evils like dowry, child-marriage and the 'purdah' system. This mindset continues even in the twentyfirst century. In states like Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan the female-male ratio is as low as 850:1000. Infanticide of female children is still a shocking reality of our social life. This has resulted in disastrous social and cultural imbalance in our society. Crores of males don't get girls for their brides.

No doubt, our Constitution has removed all discriminations against women. Right to equality and right to property are guaranteed by the Constitution. It is true that women have achieved tremendous success in administration, education and politics. They have shown that they can do everything what their counterparts can do in all fields of life. However, they still suffer gender discrimination in society. Killing of the female child just in the womb continues unabated. This degenerated and rotten mindset of our society is shocking as well as disastrous. It has brought a social and cultural imbalance. Strict legal and administrative actions are needed to correct this mindset. However, gender discrimination will continue till we correct our mindset and values regarding women.


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