Write a letter to the Editor of a National daily on the Importance of Sports and Games and on the need to create Awareness about it

Write a letter to the editor of a national daily on the importance of sports and games and on the need to create awareness about it.You are Anaya/Amar, 6/34, N.P. Road, Telangana.

6/34, N.P. Road


April23, 2022

The Editor

Sub: Reasons for poor performance of Indian sports in the international arena


Through the columns of your esteemed daily, I want to highlight the inadequate importance given to games and sports in comparison to academics. 

As a result of this our achievements in the international arena are not quite satisfactory and spectacular.

Let us consider an average Indian child. There are practically no facilities for sports and games for him in the colony he lives in. We don't have open spaces left for our children for sports and games. The condition of most of the schools is even worse. They consider it sheer wastage to provide good athletic tracks or playgrounds for the budding sports boys and girls. Our education system is heavily loaded in favour of academics. Many schools don't have even a small playground. Just forget about the facilities. How such students to aspire for excellence in any sport?

We are next to China in population. But where do we compare ourselves in sports and games? China has become a super power in sports and games. India lags and limps behind. 'Catch them young! This is what the Chinese say and do. They catch their budding sportsmen and stars when they are still in their classrooms. India can do the same. We should encourage our students to take up sports and games as their future career. Sports scholarships in schools and colleges to all deserving students can be helpful in this regard. Our pampered cricket players earn ten times more than sportsmen in hockey, football, volley ball and other disciplines. The Government should be fair to promote all sports. Let's start from the schools and aspire for medals at the Olympics.

Yours truly


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