Write an Article on Physical Education in about 100 to 200 words

Physical Education in Schools

Education in schools suffers from many drawbacks. It does not lead to an all-round development of personality. Physical education in schools has not received its due attention and importance. Education is confined to academics. The result is disastrous.

A country of about 100 crore could not win a gold medal at the Olympics,

Neglectful attitude of the government towards physical education is responsible for this sorry state of affairs. It should be a compulsory subject upto the secondary level. Our schools lack even the primary facilities. Many of them don't possess good playgrounds. We should catch the potential sportsmen while they are still young.

Sports and games are via-media of national unity and national solidarity. Inter-state tournaments foster a spirit of brotherhood and co-operation.  Sports and games make us physically and mentally strong. After all, a healthy mind lives in a healthy body.


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