Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper expressing your concern about the Poor quality and inadequate supply of drinking water in the town

You are kesahv/karuna, living at 2GB Road, Harikishan Colony. You are vary much concerned about the poor quality and inadequate supply of drinking water in the town.

Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper expressing your concern about the over the problems faced by the people and giving suitable suggestions to solve the problems.

2GB Road,

Harikishan Colony

March 4, 2018

The Editor

The Hindu


Sub: Poor quality and inadequate supply of drinking water


Through the columns of your esteemed daily, I want to express my concern and anguish at the poor quality and inadequate supply of water in Harikishan Colony. Good quality of drinking water and its supply continues to be inadequate in Harikishan Colony. The average duration of water supply in most of the areas here is even less than 2 hours a day. This is the result of inadequate management of the distributive system. The quality of water is extremely poor. The supply of sub-standard water has significant negative health impact on the residents. Diarrhoea and other related diseases have become quite common. Water supply and sanitation are interrelated. The inadequate supply of quality water forces the households to complement it through other sources at prohibitive costs. The poor suffer most from this situation.The local administration lacks financial resources.A number of innovative approaches to improve water supply and quality must be implemented at the earliest. A demand driven supply of quality water is the need of the hour. I hope the concerned authorities will find ways and means to provide regular supply of quality drinking water to the residents of Harikishan Colony. Earlier, the better.

Yours truly

Keshav/ Karuna

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