Write a short esaay on Television in 150 words | Advantages of Television


Short essay on television in 150 words

Introduction—Television has become a part of our daily life. People of all age groups the old, the young and the children feel it necessary to watch their favourite programmes. Television has reached almost every home in cities and villages.

Widely spread—Some years before, there was only one channel, that of Doordarshan. Use of satellites and computer has opened a wide area and there are so many channels now. The cable T.V. has placed so much variety of programmes. When there was only one channel and limited hours of telecasting, only few people could see its programmes. But now programmes are available 24 hours.

Variety of Programmes—-On television, we can see a great variety ofprogrammes. Besides films, music, dances etc. there are serials, news, competitive programmes etc. House wives are helped in cooking, skin care, medical advices etc. T.V. plays a part ofsocial reform also. It unites people ofdifferent religions and different classes. It helps in removing social evils.

Advertisements—There are a number of advertisements on TV. People come to know about several things which are useful to them. Our life has also become comfortable. Because ofthese advertisements several people have got jobs. It helps the industrialists and merchants to reach the public and sell their products. It has a dark side also. People are indirectly compelled to buy certain products which they don't need. It raises the cost of products and make things costly.

Educative value—Television has proved to be beneficial in spreading education. There are a number of programmes which are useful for students, teachers and learners and even illiterate persons. Several competitive programmes place challenges before intelligent persons and they get more enlightened.

Political Awakening—Television has made people politically awakened. People come to know the political, economical and social conditions of the country and the world. News, views, discussions, speeches of several leaders etc. has awakened us.

Conclusion—Television is very useful to us. It entertains us, provides a lot of useful information and makes our free time full of useful activities. There are certain disadvantages as well. Young persons are misled by copying the artists wearing obscene dresses and acting wildly. Children tend to waste a lot of their useful time in watching TV. However, we cannot deny that without TV, a home is only a house having four walls.

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