Write a letter to the Editor of The 'Hindu' drawing the attention of the authorities to the irregularities in the Fair Price Shops

You are Amrit/ Amritha of Bangalore(Z Square city). You are disturbed at the non-availability of essential commodities in the Fair Price Shops of your area. Write a letter to the Editor of The Hindu' drawing the attention of the authorities to the irregularities in the Fair Price Shops.

Z Square City 


March 20, 2024

The Editor

The Hindu

Sub: Non-availability of Essential Commodities


I want to draw the attention of the authorities towards the non-availability of commodities in the Fair Price Shops. I also want to highlight the various irregularities committed by the owners of these Shops.

The fair-price shops are not doing a fair business. They exist merely on papers. Their main job is to provide essential commodities to the poor. But dishonest owners have converted them into centres of black-marketing and hoarding. Their working is very simple. They would put off the ration-card holders by saying that the supply has not come. What is not available there is easily available in the black-market. The inspectors of the Department are hand in glove with the owners. They are running a parallel business at the cost of the bona fide card holders.

I demand a thorough probe into the open black marketing and other irregularities committed by the shop owners. Prompt and exemplary punishment to the erring owners is the need of the hour.

Yours faithfully


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