Write an article in 150-200 words on the topic Poverty is the Cause of all Evils

Write an article in 150-200 words on the topic, Poverty is the cause of all evils', to be published in the Young World of "The Hindu', Bhopal.

Poverty is the Cause of All Evils

                                                                     by XYZ

There's no doubt about it. Poverty is the mother of all evils in human society. Poverty creates wants, frustration and unfulfilled aspirations. All these lead to impatience, unrest and violence. Remove poverty and the health of our society is restored. But unfortunately, the margin of the rich and the poor is constantly widening. The middle class is confused. Our middle class tries to catch up with the rich but fails. It results in widespread frustration, loss of hope and meaning in life. Life loses its charm and purpose. Depression,dejection and disillusionment overpower the minds and morals of the people. Poverty knows no boundaries. Chaos, violence and disorder take the place of peace, prosperity and order.

The survival ultimately becomes the survival of the fittest and the mightiest. In order to survive, people engage in crimes of all sorts. Money must come at any cost. It doesn't matter how. Stealing, prostitution, drug trafficking, sex trade, fraud and corruption are common vices which grow out of poverty.

Hunger knows no peace or compassion. A hungry man is an angry man. Poverty breeds greed and corruption. Greed and corruption lead to loss of moral values and degradation. Poverty is also the main reason of poor health, diseases and early death. Since good education is beyond the reach of the poor, the people prosper on hate, anger, selfishness and jealousy.

Only a sound, just and fair economic social set-up can help us to fight against poverty and inequality. Creating more jobs and giving gainful employments to the people can generate more money and purchasing power. Equal distribution of wealth and resources can bring peace, prosperity and order in human society.


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