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 Role of Students in Eradicating Illiteracy

They say that India is emerging as a major economy in the world. That's only one side of the coin India is a leading country in the race of missiles, satellites and space-crafts. But according to 2011 census, literacy rate of hundred percent or around has been achieved by only a couple of states in India. Illiteracy is a curse on the fair face of India. Illiteracy is found mostly in our villages and tribal areas. It is also prevalent in the old and the deprived sections of society. The Central and the state governments are doing their best to eradicate illiteracy from India. Many non-government organisations are also active in this field. However, it is a gigantic task. It can't be accomplished without the active support of the youth, particularly the students. Students can play a leading role in eradicating illiteracy from India. The material and educational growth of our society has never been uniform. Our villages have been islands of ignorance and illiteracy. Particularly, the landless labourers and people belonging to the marginalised sections of our society are illiterates. Their children drop out of schools to indulge in child labour. No doubt, various state governments have given incentives like the free education to all in government schools up to the primary level. Even the mid-day meal scheme has been quite successful in attracting children to schools. However, these steps are not adequate. Students can play a great role in educating the adults. Adult literacy programmes have been quite successful with the active support of students. Students of the area adopt a particular village and make adults and working women literate. Students must target the old and deprived sections of society first. Donating just an hour a day twice a week is sufficient. It can illuminate the dark and ignorant lives of millions of illiterates. The youth and the students of India have a great responsibility and they can fulfil it by eradicating illiteracy from our society.


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