How to Draft a letter to the Editor of a Newspaper discussing the frequent breakdown of water and electricity supply problem

All the inhabitants of your locality are facing problem of frequent breakdown of water and electricity supply. Draft a letter to the Editor of a Newspaper discussing the above stated problems.

How to Draft a letter to the Editor of a Newspaper discussing the frequent breakdown of water and electricity supply problem

89, Vihar Nagar


10th july, 20..

The Editor

Bullet Times,


Subject : Regarding the breakdown of water and electricity supply. Dear Sir,

I wish to draw your attention towards the frequent breakdown of electricity and water supply in Vihar Nagar for over a month. There is no water and electricity supply in this area for several hours. We are never sure when we shall have water or electricity. They may fail any time during the day.

The residents have complained to the concerned authorities several times but it has been in vain.

I take the privilege of urging the authorities through your esteemed daily to be kind enough to ensure regular water and electricity supply in the area.

Thanking You,

Yours faithfully


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